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Youth Lacrosse Course



Come And Join Us!

We love to run performance focussed courses. This means that we love to help you get better. You don't have to play for a certain team to join us, but we do ask that you're keen and willing. We aim to send you home tired but inspired. We are always joined by a team of amazing coaches, many of whom have had (and still have) international playing careers themselves. They can't wait to share their love of the game, as well as some of the tips and tricks they used to help them perform at the very highest level.

SixBySix Have Joined Us!

We think SixBySix run the best lacrosse courses in the UK. We are delighted that they have joined us. You can book with either SixBySix or us, and you'll end up on the same great course!

Great Courses Grow With You

We believe that the best courses grow with you to make sure you are always challenged and supported at the right level. Our sports courses, therefore, come in three tiers

Youth Sports Course Framework

Love The Sport

For Years 5&6

Here, the focus is on learning to love the sport. We'll start to introduce concepts from all three Zones (Sport, Physical, Mental), but the real focus is on having fun and ensuring you are continually challenged to develop

Youth Sports Course Framework

Get Competitive

For Years 7&8

Here, the focus is on adding skills to help you be competitive. We'll build on the themes from the Develop Courses and Add in new ones from each of our Key Zones (Sport, Physical Mental) to make sure you are continually challenged to develop.

Youth Sports Course Framework

Go All The Way...

For Years 9&10

Here, the focus is on fine-tuning your skills, to allow you to bring that little bit of magic when you play. We'll build on skills learnt in Develop and Perform courses, exploring them in more detail, and ADD in new ones to make sure you are continually challenged to develop.

It's About More Than Sport

Our main focus is on developing the Lacrosse Skills needed to create lots of success on the pitch.

We then ADD skills to help you develop as a Physical Athlete. These are useful whatever sport you play. Here, we'll explore things like speed, power, agility, injury prevention and more.

We then ADD skills to help you develop as a Mental Athlete. These are useful across all sports... and life. Things we might explore could be thriving under pressure, developing self-belief, leading and inspiring teams and more.

Check out all the details of what's included in our bespoke Lacrosse programme below.

Youth Sports Course Framework

Here's How It All Fits Together:

Youth Sports Course Framework
Youth Lacrosse Course

The Lacrosse Zone

This Zone is all about adding exciting new depths to your game. We'll help you hone solid foundation skills and then add in some advanced tactics to develop the sort of creativity that gives people that little bit of magic on the pitch

Good lacrosse players are fast. Top lacrosse players are fast, strong, flexible, have great coordination, endurance and more. Breaking these skills down into bite-sized pieces will allow you to focus a little bit of energy on each one, moving you ever-closer to becoming what we like to call the 'Ultimate Sporting Hero'.

Youth Athletic Development

The Physical Zone

Youth Sports Psychology

The Mental Zone

Here we explore some of the psychology behind sport, looking at practical tips to make sure we are mentally fit for maximum performance. We’ll look at how athletes develop self-belief, become mentally resilient, thrive under pressure and more - giving you some tools to ensure peak performance, both on and off the pitch.

Our Prices:

We love to give you money off our courses. Check out the full list of rewards we offer and how to access the discount code HERE!

Youth Sports Course Framework
Full Price


First Course

- 15%

Early Bird

- 10%

Youth Sports Course Framework
Full Price


First Course

- 15%

Early Bird

- 10%

Youth Sports Course Framework
Full Price


First Course

- 15%

Early Bird

- 10%

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Stay In Touch

We love to stay in touch. Click below to sign up to our newsletter and we'll occasionally send you information about dates, new courses, discounts, and a few top tips to keep you going!

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